POE::Component::Client::Rcon is an add-on to the POE framework
to allow easy administrative access to several types of game

Games known to use the Rcon protocol include Half-Life, all the
versions of Quake, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.  At this 
point; however, PoCo::Client::Rcon only supports Half-Life
and Quake.  RTCW is supposed to be compatible with Quake, but
I have not been able to test this.

This is version 0.23.  Fixed a tiny bit of documentation and
included a sample program.

This is version 0.22.  I forgot to include a got_error() function
to deal with errors.  Oops.

This is version 0.21.  Fixed some documentation and the method
of internally handing out jobids to player queries.  Various
little bugs were also fixed.

Andrew A. Chen