# Loctools::Net A collection of utility modules to simplify working with HTTP and OAuth2-based services. ## Loctools::Net::OAuth2::Session This is a wrapper on top of `Net::OAuth2::Profile::WebServer` that implements a session that persists in a file. It allows you to authorize the application on first use, and then loads the session from disk and renews the token automatically. ## Loctools::Net::OAuth2::Session::Google This module is a wrapper on top of `Loctools::Net::OAuth2::Session` that presets Google OAuth2 parameters. ## Loctools::Net::HTTP::Client This is a wrapper on top of `LWP::UserAgent` that implements HTTP requests with exponential back-off and automatic OAuth session renewal. ## Installation $ cpan Loctools::Net ## Usage ```perl use Loctools::Net::OAuth2::Session::Google; use Loctools::Net::HTTP::Client; my $session = Loctools::Net::OAuth2::Session::Google->new( client_id => '<my-client-id>', client_secret => '<my-client-secret>', scope => '<scope-id>', session_file => './oauth2-session.json', ); # this will automatically load the session, # renew the token if it is expired, # or show the authorization prompt in the console my $client = Loctools::Net::HTTP::Client->new(session => $session); # $client->get('https://...'); # $client->post_json('https://...', { ... }); # ... ```