=head1 NAME Data::PatternCompare - Module to match data to pattern. =head1 SYNOPSIS Create a comparator object. use Data::PatternCompare; my $cmp = Data::PatternCompare->new; You can match Perl data structure to pattern like so: my $data = [1, 2, { name => "cono" }]; my $pattern = [1, 2, { name => $Data::PatternCompare::any }]; if ($cmp->pattern_match($data, $pattern)) { print "Matched"; } If you have array of patterns, you can sort them from stricter to wider like so: my @array_of_patterns = ( ... ); my @sorted = sort { $cmp->compare_pattern($a, $b) } @array_of_patterns; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides to you functionality of matching Perl data structures to patterns. Could be used for some kind of multi method dispatching. This module is far from high performance. =head1 METHODS =head2 new() Simple constructor. Does not take any arguments. Returns instance of the Data::PatternCompare class. =head2 pattern_match($data, $pattern) : Boolean This method takes 2 arguments, Perl data structure and pattern. Returns true if data matches to pattern. Pattern can contain special objects of class C<Data::PatternCompare::Any>, you can refer to instance of this class simply using C<$Data::PatternCompare::any> variable. C<$Data::PatterCompare::any> can be used to match any value. So call C<pattern_match( DATA, $Data::PatternCompare::any)> will match any data: Integers, Strings, Objects, ... =head2 compare_pattern($pattern_a, $pattern_b) : Integer This method takes 2 pattern as an arguments and return Integer value like any other comparator does. return_value < 0 - means that $pattern_a more strict than $pattern_b 0 - pattern are equal to each others 0 < return_value - $pattern_a wider than $pattern_b =head3 Simple type What stricter/wider means? If we take 2 following patterns: =over 4 =item 1. 42 =item 2. C<$Data::PatternCompare::any> =back The second one is more wide. If we represent patterns as a set of values, that means that second pattern contain first one. In another words: 42 is a member of Set C<any>. =head3 Array Before matching values inside of the array, length of array is taking into consideration. Arrays with bigger length are more strict. This rule applies because we consider: C<pattern_match([42, 1], [42])> as true value. =head3 Hash The same rules as for the Array. The bigger size of the hash treats as stricter. e.g.: $cmp->compare_pattern({ qw|a b c d| }, { qw|a b| }) # -1 Be careful with the following example: $cmp->compare_pattern( { a => $Data::PatternCompare::any, b => 42 }, { a => 42, b => $Data::PatternCompare::any } ); Result of the code above is unpredicted. It depends on in what order keys will be returned by the C<keys()> function. =head1 AUTHOR cono E<lt>cono@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014 - cono =head1 LICENSE Artistic v2.0 =head1 SEE ALSO