=head1 NAME

Data::PatternCompare - Module to match data to pattern.


Create a comparator object.

    use Data::PatternCompare;

    my $cmp = Data::PatternCompare->new;

You can match Perl data structure to pattern like so:

    my $data = [1, 2, { name => "cono" }];
    my $pattern = [1, 2, { name => $Data::PatternCompare::any }];

    if ($cmp->pattern_match($data, $pattern)) {
        print "Matched";

If you have array of patterns, you can sort them from stricter to wider like

    my @array_of_patterns = ( ... );

    my @sorted = sort { $cmp->compare_pattern($a, $b) } @array_of_patterns;


This module provides to you functionality of matching Perl data structures to
patterns. Could be used for some kind of multi method dispatching.

This module is far from high performance.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

Simple constructor. Does not take any arguments. Returns instance of the
Data::PatternCompare class.

=head2 pattern_match($data, $pattern) : Boolean

This method takes 2 arguments, Perl data structure and pattern. Returns true if
data matches to pattern.

Pattern can contain special objects of class C<Data::PatternCompare::Any>, you
can refer to instance of this class simply using C<$Data::PatternCompare::any>

C<$Data::PatterCompare::any> can be used to match any value.

So call C<pattern_match( DATA, $Data::PatternCompare::any)> will match any
data: Integers, Strings, Objects, ...

=head2 compare_pattern($pattern_a, $pattern_b) : Integer

This method takes 2 pattern as an arguments and return Integer value like any
other comparator does.

    return_value < 0 - means that $pattern_a more strict than $pattern_b
                   0 - pattern are equal to each others
    0 < return_value - $pattern_a wider than $pattern_b

=head3 Simple type

What stricter/wider means?

If we take 2 following patterns:

=over 4

=item 1. 42

=item 2. C<$Data::PatternCompare::any>


The second one is more wide. If we represent patterns as a set of values, that
means that second pattern contain first one. In another words: 42 is a member
of Set C<any>.

=head3 Array

Before matching values inside of the array, length of array is taking into
consideration. Arrays with bigger length are more strict.

This rule applies because we consider: C<pattern_match([42, 1], [42])> as true

=head3 Hash

The same rules as for the Array. The bigger size of the hash treats as


    $cmp->compare_pattern({ qw|a b c d| }, { qw|a b| }) # -1

Be careful with the following example:

        { a => $Data::PatternCompare::any, b => 42 },
        { a => 42, b => $Data::PatternCompare::any }

Result of the code above is unpredicted. It depends on in what order keys will
be returned by the C<keys()> function.

=head1 AUTHOR

cono E<lt>cono@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2014 - cono

=head1 LICENSE

Artistic v2.0

=head1 SEE ALSO