#include "pkginfo.h" #include <iterator> #include <unistd.h> int pkginfo::run(int argc, char** argv) { // // Check command line options // enum { unspecified_mode, installed_mode, list_mode, owner_mode } o_mode = unspecified_mode; string o_root; string o_arg; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { string option(argv[i]); if (option == "-i" || option == "--installed") { o_mode = installed_mode; } else if (option == "-l" || option == "--list") { o_mode = list_mode; check_argument(argv, argc, i); o_arg = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (option == "-o" || option == "--owner") { o_mode = owner_mode; check_argument(argv, argc, i); o_arg = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (option == "-r" || option == "--root") { check_argument(argv, argc, i); o_root = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (option == "-v" || option == "--version") { print_version(); } else if (option == "-h" || option == "--help") { print_help(); } else { print_invalid_option(option); } } if (o_mode == unspecified_mode) print_option_missing(); db_open(o_root); if (o_mode == installed_mode) { for (packages_t::const_iterator i = packages.begin(); i != packages.end(); i++) cout << (*i).first << " " << (*i).second.version << endl; } else if (o_mode == list_mode) { if (db_find_pkg(o_arg)) { copy(packages[o_arg].files.begin(), packages[o_arg].files.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n")); } else if (file_exists(o_arg)) { pair<string, pkginfo_t> package = pkg_open(o_arg); copy(package.second.files.begin(), package.second.files.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n")); } else { print_error() << o_arg << " is neither an installed package nor a package file" << endl; return EXIT_ERROR; } } else if (o_mode == owner_mode) { if (o_root.empty()) { if (o_arg[0] != '/') { char* cwd = getcwd(0, 0); o_arg = string(cwd) + "/" + o_arg; free(cwd); } } if (o_arg[0] == '/') o_arg.erase(0, 1); for (packages_t::const_iterator i = packages.begin(); i != packages.end(); i++) if ((*i).second.files.find(o_arg) != (*i).second.files.end()) cout << (*i).first << " " << (*i).second.version << endl; } else { print_error() << "internal error" << endl; return EXIT_ERROR; } return EXIT_OK; } void pkginfo::print_help() const { cout << "Usage: " << name() << " [OPTION]..." << endl << "Print different kind of information about installed" << endl << "packages on the system." << endl << endl << " -i, --installed list installed packages" << endl << " -l, --list <package|file> list files in <package> or <file>" << endl << " -o, --owner <file> list owners of <file>" << endl << " -r, --root <path> use alternative root directory" << endl << " -h, --help print this help and exit" << endl << " -v, --version output version information and exit" << endl << endl << "Report bugs to <johne@rootlinux.org>." << endl; exit(EXIT_ERROR); }